Rabu, 24 September 2014

Selasa, 23 September 2014

Maven NASA will enter Mars orbit

MAVEN Spacecraft US-owned space agency, NASA, is scheduled to enter the orbit of Mars on Monday.

Telescope assemblies month portrait photo

Students of the University of Sheffield in the UK managed to photograph the moon with a telescope assemblies made ​​at a cost of less than Rp2 million.

Senin, 22 September 2014

Trik Internet Gratis Telkomsel 22,23,24,25,26,27 september 2014

Bagi pengguna telkomsel ini ada inject yang lagi work di 0 pulsa dan 0 kuota , dari pada banyak basa basi langsung aja download injectnya

Minggu, 21 September 2014

Trik Internet Gratis Indosat 22,23,24,25,26 september 2014

Malem sobat blogger, pada kesempatan malam ini saya mau share gretongan buat pengguna isat. Sayangnya cuma lancar buat broswing aja, klo buat donglot langsung DC, hehe..

Obama plans 'funded' Syria rebels supported congress

President Obama told Congress to support his plan against ISIS showed that the United States united against ISIS.

French attack militants ISIS

French fighter jets have made the first air strikes against Click militant group calling itself the Islamic State (or ISIS) in Iraq, said a statement issued by the office of President Francois Hollande.

Australian parliament building enhanced security

Security in the Australian parliament building enhanced following the alleged "conversation" targeting extremists to attack the building.

The intruder entered the White House

Dinas rahasia AS Secret Service mengevakuasi sebagian Gedung Putih setelah seorang penyusup terlihat berlari di halaman.
Penyusup itu terlihat setelah Presiden Obama meninggalkan bangunan itu pada Jumat (19/09) malam.

Islamic countries led to 45 thousand people entered Turkey

About 45,000 people, mostly Kurds of Syria, entered Turkey in the past 24 hours, officials said, while the militia of the Islamic State to move forward into northern Syria.

NATO question truce in Ukraine

NATO military commander said the ceasefire between the Ukrainian and pro-Russian separatist group "only a theory" because the shootout was happening on the field.

Sabtu, 20 September 2014

Damage to the Amazon jungle to rise sharply

The level of destruction of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil increased in the last two years.
Brazilian government data shows deforestation increased by 29% in the 12 months to the end of July 2013.

Show signs of recovery of the ozone layer

Earth's ozone layer that lines from cancer-causing ultraviolet rays showed signs of thickening after years of thinning, such as the UN study revealed.

Ozone hole above Antarctica seen also stopped bigger every year.

Jumat, 19 September 2014

Google bought a spoon maker for Parkinson's patients

Company called Elevator Labs is designing spoon nicknamed Liftware which generates vibrations in order to offset the tremors of Parkinson's patients.

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