Minggu, 21 September 2014

NATO question truce in Ukraine

NATO military commander said the ceasefire between the Ukrainian and pro-Russian separatist group "only a theory" because the shootout was happening on the field.

Gen. Philip Breedlove said the recent violence in the territory of Ukraine, including a shootout both sides, still occurs as before the cease-fire.

"The truce is merely a" theory ", because the reality is different," said Philip Breedlove.

However, he added, he remained "hopeful" that the tension can be resolved by a new agreement signed on Saturday (20.09) morning.

Require the agreement of both parties should withdraw their artillery as far as 15 kilometers from the front line. This was done to establish a buffer zone of 30 kilometers.
Over 3,000 people were killed

Ukrainian army and pro-Russian separatist groups are also required to withdraw "militia army" of foreign conflict zones in eastern Ukraine, so the contents of the agreement.

Ukraine accused Russia before arming rebels in eastern Ukraine, but Russia has always denied.

NATO troops stationed in the territory of Ukraine had to face the pro-Russian separatist group.

More than 3,000 people have been killed in fighting in eastern regions of Ukraine since last April 2014.

Both parties to a ceasefire on September 5, but the various reports mentioned frequently repeated violations.
Russian home

sumber : bbc 

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